Your Winter Aircraft Maintenance Checklist

As winter starts to finally settle in, there are some tasks you should be performing to ensure your aircraft is ready to withstand the cold weather. Along with the regular maintenance you’re already doing, the change in temperature means that there are some extra steps you should be taking. Whether your aircraft is remaining active…

The Anatomy of an Airplane

Although there can be vast differences in the various types of airplanes, they all have the same general components. These parts all working together is what allows airplanes to not only get into the air but stay in the air. Each of their individual functions will be explored below. Fuselage When you look at an…

The Origins of International Civil Aviation Day

Every year since 1994, December 7th has been celebrated as International Civil Aviation Day. First established by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)- a specialist organization within the United Nations- this day is recognized all over the world. It’s true purpose is to generate and reinforce worldwide awareness of the important of civil aviation both…

The Main Sectors of Aviation

Like aircraft themselves, the aviation industry is made up of many different moving parts. From pilots and air traffic control to aviation maintenance technicians and ground crew, there are hundreds of different careers available to you. Regardless of the career path you choose in aviation, there will be different oversights and regulations that are determined…

Fun Facts for Aviation History Month

Every November we recognize Aviation History Month and the beginnings of controlled flight. While humans have looked to the skies for centuries and dreamt of flying, aviation did not truly begin until November 1782 when French brothers Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier began the first aeronautical experiments that would lead to the invention of…

The Anatomy of an Airplane Wing

From the wingtips (the ends of the wings) to the wing roots (where the wings connect to the fuselage) there’s more to an airplane wing than you can see from your seat. If you’ve ever wondered about the different parts of an airplane wing, you’re in luck! Keep reading to learn everything you need to…

The Concorde and Supersonic Travel

Although the only aircraft breaking the sound barrier these days are fighter jets, regular passengers were once traveling supersonically too. Supersonic flight takes place when you are traveling through the air at a speed that is greater than the velocity of sound. Although the speed of sound can vary based on the atmospheric pressure and…